Leaf is my identity, looks fragile, simple, but necessary, and it's green as it's alive, only lonely, as it's alone in the jungle of life.
Yes, the existence of leaf is not limited merely by space and time, but simply comes and goes following the cycle of life.

That's how the stories here are narrated, as it was witnessed by the lonely green leaf.

Just remember, life is not really alive when you cannot use and express your own imagination freely.
But if that's happen, just read the leaf imagination narrated here, and dream of it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rebel Heart

No story for tonight, (I'm tired) and have no complete words to write it down, only provide a beautiful music which is presenting something unexplained. The video doesn't really match, but who cares (and I love Supernatural series too)? Whatever ..... the music of 'The Corrs' is the main intention.

It’s always a tedious time to understand constantly what do you want in your life
'coz in fact, that’s the time,
when an obvious fighting between your will and your dark side is taking place
And it’s most likely end up with a vivid disagreement between those two!
Well, who are you? and what do you expect? 
except, merely a human being that is humane?

Well, it is true, it may not for everybody,
only for most of you, who cannot stay long enough, along your journey …..
I do understand,
there’s always a part of you wanna challenge yourself to go ......
as far as and as wild as you can!
Though, I bet you,
if in another side, your will is trying to pin you back
Hahahahaha ……… never say no, denial is an actual fact ….. !

It’s okay, 'coz nobody is perfect,
but believe me,
a balance between those two sides, of 'whoever' cannot stay long enough along the journey, is an incredibly token of maturity
beyond that?
You are nobody, unfortunately !!

By the way, talking to yourself isn't a sin, nor a crime!

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