Leaf is my identity, looks fragile, simple, but necessary, and it's green as it's alive, only lonely, as it's alone in the jungle of life.
Yes, the existence of leaf is not limited merely by space and time, but simply comes and goes following the cycle of life.

That's how the stories here are narrated, as it was witnessed by the lonely green leaf.

Just remember, life is not really alive when you cannot use and express your own imagination freely.
But if that's happen, just read the leaf imagination narrated here, and dream of it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Color of life

True, life is colorful! You can be comfortable and satisfied but troubled in the same time, like me. I  comfortably sit next to the pond with colorful local fishes swimming around; satisfied and pleased, accompanied by afternoon breeze, so enjoyable (Yep, life is good), but in fact, I am sick!

Well, I got sick again (I hate this), allergy of pollution from the Jakarta's air and all related to the city’s life. Itch all over my legs, arms, and part of my face, with rash and blisters (ouch), I'm suffered. So ironic, 'cause I am originally live here, in Jakarta, but my body had weakened and cannot accept the local condition anymore. Grrrrrr!!

Damn it! My body was perfect for the condition of air, dust, water, city’s life and food variety in Jakarta, unfortunately not anymore for the time being. The dermatologist told me, my body had adjusted to US condition, so I have to consider the body limit when coming to Indonesia (What a … ?!) but hey, this is my own country??!!  Well, though the capital of those two countries has some similar buildings (see the pic), but (sadly) those two are having different situation and disparate prosperity.

The National Monument and House of Representative in both capital cities. 
Yep, last week was my busy week in Jakarta, with highly stressed meeting: the round table expert meeting on a prominent environmental issue! And (without any excuses) I pushed myself when my body just recovered from the severe flu. So it’s obvious, combination of accumulative tiredness, body weaknesses, various pollution, stress out, and variety of foods which I haven’t intensively tasted for the last four years had knocked me down.

Yeah, I would rather blame tiredness, my body weaknesses, various pollution and stress as the cause of my allergy rather than the food variety. Look some of my enjoyable foods, and tell me how can I survive not eating those delicious foods? Are you kidding me? (Note: from left to right, top to bottom in Indonesian language: Bebek Betutu, Pindang ikan patin, Cumi tepung saus mayo, Tumis kangkung, Gurame kecap, Kepiting asap, Tumis kecombrang, Gurame asam manis, Ikan mas masak terasi, Gepuk lengkap, Tahu gejrot, Ikan mas mini goreng kering, Ayam Suharti dan Ayam Kremes).

 Some delicious cuisine
O well, I should calm down myself, stay at home and comfort myself. Take a rest and just think that I am on home vacation, though limited vacation. You know what I mean, don’t you? Yep, during the allergic healing process, I should only eat fresh water fishes and not the variety of my favorite sea foods and meats (at least for the time being).

So, this afternoon, my best friend and I went to a nature restaurant nearby my house to taste the fresh water fishes and some vegetables. We went for relaxing, enjoying the atmosphere and scenery, not merely for food. The restaurant named Talaga Sampireun in Sundanese, which meaning a haven lake, has village scenery with several private decks (we called saung) surrounding artificial pond.

Talaga Sampireun Bintaro
And yes that’s awesome, sitting on a private deck over an artificial pond with colorful local fishes swimming around. My deck has an open sliding door toward the pool, with hanging terrace over the water. The local goldfish (we called Tombro) were swimming around under the deck. The tame fishes were coming closer when we open the sliding door and sitting on the wooden terrace, they are expecting fish food which is provided by the restaurant, wonderful!! (See also the previous pics in detail; some people put their feet on the pond). The food was also delicious though I have to skip the fresh sea food. Never mind, I can forget my allergy for a while, and that was a good break!

Life is colorful. I love my life in the US, with the orderliness, discipline, stability, cleanliness, tidiness, individual competition, facility, and recognition to profession; though I love my life in Indonesia as well, with the diversity, decorum, challenge, simpleness, traditional way, variety of food/beverage, family warmth as well as the warmth of community.

I wish to have those conditions in the same time and place. Well, this is however the colors of my life.

Good evening buddy, wish you are here someday!!

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