Leaf is my identity, looks fragile, simple, but necessary, and it's green as it's alive, only lonely, as it's alone in the jungle of life.
Yes, the existence of leaf is not limited merely by space and time, but simply comes and goes following the cycle of life.

That's how the stories here are narrated, as it was witnessed by the lonely green leaf.

Just remember, life is not really alive when you cannot use and express your own imagination freely.
But if that's happen, just read the leaf imagination narrated here, and dream of it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Prince of Red Chili

Hey, this is the comic hero I’ve talked about: Prince of Red Chili (Pangeran Lombok Abang). His clothes, robe and hat are red, and his weapon is a traditional Javanese dagger called Keris. In Javanese culture, Keris is magical and very powerful. Look at the Logo of Yogyakarta Sultanate in his chest and his hat, cool huh?

He speaks in Javanese: "for the sake of God, be careful with your words!!"

Okay, Red Chili is actually the name of Yogyakarta Sultanate brigade. The brigade (or Bregada in Javanese) is called red chili, as they wear pointy red hat just like red chili, though the real name of the brigade is Wirobrojo. This brigade is a frontline soldier during the war. I guess this is the reason why the comic hero is the ‘Prince of Red Chili’; of course, besides their ‘Red’ uniform; which is the most eye catching among other brigades. See the real Wirobrojo brigade marching from the palace.

So I’m not kidding, the brigade really exists. Well, since we talked already about Prajurit Lombok Abang, let also check the other Sultanate’s brigades. I want you to see how pretty their uniforms. Check this out:

Each of them has different duty and responsibility, interesting huh? See also the real one. Now the brigades can be seen only during parade or outdoor ceremony such as Grebeg. But in the past, they were truly fought against Dutch.

Besides the ‘Prince of Red Chili’, my creative fellow also creates a story about the secret army. Well, 'Yogyanese' likes an analog joke (or plesetan), meaning mimic something that alike but modify it with something else (e.g. traditional culture). The secret army is mimicking the transformer, so when it is not in use, the robots will be seen as royal carriages; see this:

There are two types of robot: Lombok Abang to strengthen the frontline battle; and Nyutro to protect the King. Brigade Nyutro is the King’s guard, especially when the King was on the throne.

The robot symbol is analog to autorobot's symbol, but wear a Javanese headband named Blangkon.

Oh yeah, I don't own the pics. All the sketch and robot's stuffs belong to my creative friend Muhammad Fajar, the rests are from internet. I only like to share and enrich it with story, thanks guys.

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